Sports Injury Treatment

Whether you take part in sports for fun or as a profession, a setback from an injury is the last thing you want to hear. Whether minor or severe, any injury keeps you from the game you love — something that can be frustrating. You don't have to nurse a sports injury for months. Visiting a chiropractor in Kansas City, MO, can speed up the recovery process. Want to see what chiropractic care can do for your sports injury? Visit us at Presence Chiropractic.

Sports Injury

Common Sports Injury Treatments

Sports injuries occur due to pushing yourself beyond the limit, inadequate warm-up, and wearing the wrong sport's gear. Here are some common sports injuries:

  • Whiplash — when your head snaps back and forth rapidly, it may overexert the neck's ligaments, muscles, and tendons, causing neck pain and stiffness.
  • Sprains and strains — ligaments may tear when pushed beyond their limit. Likewise, tendons may be torn when you pull a muscle. The common symptoms of sprains and strains include pain, soreness, and limited mobility.
  • Sciatica — injuries to the lower back may compress the sciatic nerve, causing pain radiating from your lower back to the one leg.
  • Herniated disc — impact on the back may cause the spinal disc to shift out of position. When the discs herniate, they may compress on a nerve, resulting in tingling, pain, and numbness.
  • Shin splints —pain along the tibia is common in runners due to overexertion or failure to warm up.

Other common sports injuries include shoulder, neck, and back pain. Plus, tendonitis, runner's knee, and golf's elbow are other sports injuries that can shorten the promising careers of many sports persons.

What Do You Do After a Sports Injury?

Contrary to popular belief, don't try to play through a sports injury — this will worsen the injury, making it harder to treat. Instead, take a break and apply a cold compress to minimize the swelling and pain. Next, book an appointment with a chiropractor from our practice for effective treatment.

How Does a Chiropractor from Our Practice Treat a Sports Injury?

We use chiropractic adjustments to align your spine and other body parts. Self-healing occurs when your body is properly aligned, leading to faster recovery. It's also not uncommon to recommend chiropractic exercises to strengthen your muscles against future injuries.

Contact Us for Sports Injury Treatment in Kansas City, MO

Suffering from a sports injury? You can get back in the field faster than you think. Try chiropractic care in Kansas City, MO. To get started, please book an appointment with Presence Chiropractic by calling us at (816) 281-7633

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3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


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10:00 am - 2:00 pm





10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
10:00 am - 1:00 pm 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm
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